Salem is for Enterprise

December 19, 2023

Salem was built for enterprise by designing our product around how enterprises need to do business. We know that for most enterprises, it can seem difficult to adopt new technologies, particularly from new vendors.  Common concerns can include:

·       The time required to plan and integrate new capabilities can be long.

·       Setting up contracts and payment processes can be complicated.

·       Third-party risk reviews and analysis can be protracted.

·       Uncertain ROI timeline creates stakeholder risk.

Choosing to work with the same vendors can mitigate some of these concerns yet can stifle innovation as new vendors can offer revolutionary solutions to big issues. To combat these concerns, Salem has sought to differentiate itself from other new vendors through four guiding principles:

1.     Salem is pre-trained to deliver value on day one.  Our solution to alert fatigue works instantly and gets stronger as it continues to learn your organization through the input of SOC analysts.  

How that makes us different: Many tools need a lot of customer-specific or industry-specific configuration time to learn the business and provide value to individual customers. However, by configuring Salem to be hyper-focused on over-alerting, our product is immediately applicable and useful for an individual customer in any industry.

2.     Salem integrates into your existing tools and processes seamlessly. Our solution is portal-less, SaaS-like in deployment and operating, but also built with complete data privacy and control from the enterprises in mind.

How that makes us different: Salem meets our clients where they are. Our cloud marketplace app installs in our client’s cloud, keeping data processing within the client’s local environment.  Furthermore, Salem’s app for Microsoft Teams enables us to reach users where they already operate, quickly delivering critical notifications and efficiently capturing business knowledge that helps Salem act like a tenured analyst.

3.     Salem is easy for buyers, procurement, and accounting teams.  Our contracting, payment, and support can be managed via the Azure Cloud Marketplace.  

How that makes us different: The Azure marketplace makes it easy to find Salem, contract us, install the app and operate our system.  For instance, installing and onboarding can take as little as one hour, and you can pay for Salem right on your Microsoft bill.  In addition, Salem support can proactively monitor health and soon, you’ll be able to pay for Salem with Microsoft Azure commitment credits. This will make it even easier for companies to lower spend and leverage existing budget.

See Salem in Azure

4.     Salem is SOC 2 compliant, and leaves customer data with the customer.

How that makes us different: We believe in creating the lowest possible risk profile for our customers.  We created a firewall between us and customer data by focusing on a local data processing strategy.  We also believe in living by the same enterprise security and governance standards and believe in using third party audits to attest to this. This is why we became certified for SOC 2 Type 1 and SOC 2 Type 2 certifications.


With these four foundational guiding principles, Salem was built with enterprise in mind.  This makes Salem the easy choice for organizations who require low risk, high value solutions.



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